What is Alpha?
Is there more to life than this? Why and how do I pray? Does God heal today? Alpha looks at these and other questions through a series of interactive sessions that provide an introduction to the Christian faith in an informal, fun and friendly environment.
The Details
Alpha will meet on Wednesday evenings from 6-8pm at LifeSpring from September 11th until November 20th, with an all day retreat on Saturday, October 26th. Each Wednesday will begin with a meal, followed by a video session, and will close with a discussion.
Who is Alpha a good fit for?
Seekers who are open to faith, but are asking lots of questions.
New Christians who would like a solid foundation for their faith to be built on.
Young adults who are navigating what faith looks like in this season of their life.
Those who have or are deconstructing their faith and who need a safe place to process and re-build.